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sea freshwater lake in the middle aceh

The existence of Lake Laut Tawar become the pride of the people of Aceh. He is a natural tourist attraction visited by many domestic and foreign tourists. The lake is a source of water is used not only by society in Central Aceh district, but also by people in other districts.
Traditional stories circulating about fish depik Gayo society, shaped like a slender ornamental fish glistening white scales to the size of your thumbs who live on Lake Laut Tawar. The story, derived from grain rice depik dumped into the lake. He will come to the surface at certain seasons, especially during the rainy season. Before winter arrives, depik gangs hiding in the south of the lake, at the foot of Mount Bur Kelieten. Depik is a God's gift to the community Gayo, despite constantly consumed, he never finished.


Two hills that flank the lake, the more shows the beauty of the lake. Pooling of water and plains provide livelihoods for many communities, especially around the Gayo highlands. Sea due to the extent such designation and the designation of fresh sea because the water is not salty. She offered water to save a lot of flora and fauna, the most famous one is the fish which is depik fish species that exist only in Lake Laut Tawar.

At this location, visitors can see the people who grow crops and fishing. An activity that has become part of everyday life in communities around the lake. Commodity grown in the Gayo highlands, among others, is the Gayo coffee (Coffee arabica), which is very famous in Japan, potatoes, passion fruit, tomatoes, chilies, corn, and vegetables. The results are quite famous plantation commodities is Gayo tangerine and avocado.


Shady lake is located to the east City Takengon Gayo highlands (1250 feet above sea level), District Lot Fresh, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. It is the largest lake in the province of Aceh with an area of 5472 hectares, approximately 17 km long and 5.5 kilometers wide.

Towards Access Locations

Easier access to Takengon Bireun pursued through the City. There is a small terminal elf hangout special transportation to Takengon. The duration of the trip about five hours at a cost of approximately Rp. 25 000. Apart from Bireun, an alternative path toward Takengon can also be done through Blang Kejeren and Kutacane.


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