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Tulamben maybe this time there is not yet known in Bali as a tourist attraction near this one. What's in Tulamben?. Tulamben is a place or a very popular diving site among scuba divers for underwater scenery was very beautiful. bali tourism object is located in the eastern part of Bali island and can take within 2 hours drive

Tulamben tourist attraction located on the eastern island of Bali lies with the distance less than two hours drive from downtown Denpasar. bali tourism object is located in the district of Karangasem district camp bali

Tulamben Bali is a tourist attraction with the main attraction is the underwater scenery tourist attraction of Bali is located in Kubu district has been known by many fans of nautical tourism in particular tourists diving and snorkelling at Tulamben where there are also carrion Libertiy U.S. warship that sank during World War II. The wreck has become a habitat for marine life and fish - a beautiful tropical fish. Tulamben makes a great place for tourists pavorit

Tulamben dive sites this is one of the easiest places to enjoy recreational diving underwater scenery around the shipwreck. Divers of all skill levels can perform dives in Tulamben. This location can be reached directly from the beach and is located approximately 25 meters from the coast, with a depth of 5 meters to 30 meters below sea level


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