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Gunung Kawi

Gunung Kawi is a tourist attraction carved temples in the barrier reef in the ashes where the body of believers as the king of the dead king bali

Gunung Kawi is one of our cultural heritage in the form of sculpture bali temple bali tourism object location is a tourist attraction not far to look siring known as a source of holy water in the trust as a place of purification

Gunung Kawi located in Gianyar regency, which is about 35 km towards the sea timr Penaka precisely located in Banjar, Tampaksiring District, Gianyar Regency

Gunung Kawi Temple is a building that serves as a place to glorify the spirit of King Udayana and his family. This interpretation is connected with one of the chiseled inscriptions on temples. Gunung Kawi Temple is divided into four groups. Group of five temples in the eastern Tukad Pakerisan. All buildings westward.

Gunung Kawi Temple has a function as a place to glorify the holy spirit of King Udayana Warmadewa, Marakata, and Children Wungsu. Pakerisan River on the west side there are four groups of temples. estimated four temples referred to as "padharman" the four King children Wungsu concubines. In the southwest, there was a temple known as the temple's 10 (ten). In the Gunung Kawi temple entrance are the words "rakryan". Looking at the square Kadiri writing letters, the most likely group to the temple as a place padharman-10 officer or prime minister during the reign of King Children Wungsu.


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