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As the provincial capital of Bali, Denpasar has places you can visit during the tour in bali

Denpasar currently has a lot to welcome the arrival of the wisatawang benah a tour to Bali with a wide selection of places you can consider as a holiday to Bali including Kumbasari market, museum bali or animal market is a place where warriors can you visit in Bali, Denpasar is the center economy in the year 1906 in this city there is a war against invaders, known as the war bellows. and denpasar name was taken from the den and the market that means a town in the north of Ngurah Rai market.

denpasar was once the center of the kingdom which delinquent in making a district administrative center naughty. Since 1958 appointed as the center of Denpasar on Bali where the provincial government since it was badly mistaken denpasar grown into a city with very rapid economic growth Y and a center of education, culture and tourism. Denpasar itself is divided into three districts namely West Denpasar, Denpasar Denpasar east and south

based on Law No. 1 Year 1992 concerning the establishment Denpasarlahir City and has been inaugurated by the Minister of Home Affairs on February 27, 1992 so that a new history in the implementation of the Regional Government of Bali, the regency of Badung and also for the city of Denpasar. For the Province of Bali is the development of the former Region 8 Level II is now the 9th Regional Level II. As for the Badung Regency and the potential loss of some areas contained therein. For the city of Denpasar which is a new chapter in governance and development, although a Level II Regional terbungsu in the territory of the province of Bali


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