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Tenganan is a traditional Balinese village which still adhered to the ancient customs of the Balinese culture to everyday people

In the village of Tenganan we can see the order of the real life of Balinese people from their daily lives until the very customs which they hold fast to untouched cultural influences from outside, it's another world that we can find the time to travel to Bali

Tenganan village located in Karangasem regency in the eastern island of Bali with a distance of 15 km from downtown Amlapura and 65 km from downtown Denpasar. Tenganan village complex consists of three major lines namely, the complex of dwellings, paddy fields and perkembunan

Tenganan Village tourist attraction so close to the object so that the tourist attractions of Bali Candi Dasa you can proceed with the visit as a tourist attraction of Candi Dasa

Tenganan village settlement pattern of a uniform that is linear.

community-oriented bilateral and collective and seniority.
System of a special ritual in which the high frequency with justificatory mix religion, art
Tradition-curry mekare fell every month in June of pandanus war tradition which describes the spirit of struggle and test of physical toughness, accompanied by traditional gambelan named selonding.
Weaving craft cloth with a design typical grimace and distinctive colors, fabrics are worn at the time of the ceremony which is believed by wearing this fabric will be spared from the disease. Geringsing word itself is derived from the language of Bali, "Gering", which means the disease hard and "sing" means not.
Society and culture is a place rich Tenganan for the study of the science of anthropology, archeology, history and literature of customary law degan population of approximately 550 inhabitants.


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