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Cheat Point Blank PB 6 November 2010

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Cheat Point Blank PB 05112010 Masmed 5 November 2010

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Maimoon Palace

Palace Maimoon or so called palace is dominated by yellow, the color typical of the Malays. Klo according to the book A Short History Palace Maimoon which I bought there for Rp 20,000, - does this palace was built at a cost of Fl. 100 000 (or the equivalent of 1 million guilders Netherlands) in 1888 with the architect of a soldier Colonial Army, Capt. Th. van Erp, and was done by the contractor Italy. The building stands on the land area of 2772 meter square, facing the East. The first groundbreaking on August 26 1888 done by Sultan Maimun Al Rashid Perkasa Alam Shah. Began to be occupied on May 18, 1891. It can be read on a piece of marble on the second pole end up stairs. So, the age of this palace is now already more than a century .....
While Pak Fajar searching the parking I walked into the Palace Maimoon. Oh yes, we have to kick your shoes off and left it on top of the stairs. Rather long time I was in her portrait There portrait here.:) Fortunately, Mr. Dawn patiently waiting outside.
If I noticed, the design of this palace to imitate the various styles, namely traditional style palaces Malays that extends to the front and two-story, also the pattern of India's exactly the Indian Moghul and also the pattern of Europe. The building consists of two floors that are divided into three parts, namely the main building, the left wing and right wing.
So also in the carvings, especially in the living Hall of Sri mixed. Carvings Malays traditionally be seen in 'Fences Tringgalum'. So also seen on the outskirts of lespfank (Bener not you think wrote it?) With a kind of "shoot bamboo shoot" icon. Then, seen also in the wall next to it with a form of "Awan Boyan." And also on the ceiling with the Cubist style of Indian Moghul.
Through an arcade with lengkungan2 hull boat overturned ornate floralistis and geometrically, we arrive at a room in the back who used to wear as a wedding and dining room family of the sultan. Dinner was usually prepared and served by the ladies who occupied two small room on the left and right in between balairuung and dining room. In this room I see there are two chair / throne of the sultan and the two tables that he made in Europe.
The Palace is at the top there are 12 rooms, consisting of two large room for ceremonies, royal and 10 small rooms for kelelengkapannya. While at the bottom there are 10 rooms including bathrooms, kitchens, offices of the Sultan, prison while (whew!), And storage of goods.
On the right, in front of the Palace stands a building or house Batak Karo, where in it placed a cannon that has been the butt (end). It was said that these things are considered sacred and is always associated with the legend of Princess Green from Tanah Karo.
Approximately 10 meters in front of the Palace there is a kind of altar or stage which formerly was the foundation of two horse statue that serves as a shower.
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Sipiso-piso Waterfall

Sipiso-Piso waterfall is a natural tourism area which is located not far from residential communities Tongging Village, Sub Brand, Karo District, North Sumatra Province. Can say, visiting this village is no different from a trip to Sipiso-Piso waterfall. Geographically, the Village Tongging at a lower altitude, while Sipiso-Piso Waterfall located in the hills that are higher than Tongging Village. The waterfall is located at an altitude of approximately 800 meters from sea level (asl) and is surrounded by green hills because of overgrown pine forests.

Name the waterfall which is managed by the Local Government Karo Regency has specific meanings. As mentioned in the Daily News the New Voice of Indonesia, that Sipiso-Piso Piso meaning comes from the blade. Swift-water water falling from a hill above a hundred yards berketinggian was diperumpamakan like bladed sharp knife. In addition, a steep cliff when viewed from the top of the hill make a local call from Tanah Karo Piso
As a growing district, the tourism sector in Tanah Karo became one of the leading potential is expected to boost the original income (PAD), in addition to agricultural and industrial sectors, of course. In this sector, the Karo Regency has an attractive tourism objects, such as volcanoes, hot springs, mountains, lakes, waterfalls, traditional houses, local culture, etc. (

During its development, tourism objects in Tanah Karo began to be developed and promoted to other regions, including Sipiso-Piso waterfall itself. Although if there is competition among the objects of tourism, this remains a positive value for each object to be encouraged to grow and be able to attract as many tourists as possible. For example, in the Village Tongging recently established Faith Recreation Park (TWI). Nevertheless, the TWI is said to absorb the attention of more tourists to come, charm-Piso Sipiso still will not be irreplaceable. How not, this is not another waterfall is one of the highest waterfall in between the many waterfalls in Indonesia, such as at the Waterfall Tinoor Tomohon, North Sulawesi Province or Grojogan Sewu, in Central Java Province.

From all that, Sipiso-Piso remain special. Only 35 km separate the distance from the famous tourist city in Indonesia, the City of Berastagi, Karo District, and only takes about 45 minutes from the city of Medan, the capital of North Sumatra Province, Sipiso-Piso waterfall proved unable to lift a reputation as one of Karo Regency destination domestic and foreign travelers. Tonggo Simanungsong, a lover of tourism, said that many foreign tourists visit Sipiso-Piso waterfall originating from Malaysia, Singapore, France and the Netherlands ( For local travelers, panoramas in this Tongging already very well known, in fact some say this news has got to santero world because of its natural beauty is stunning.
Awesome! That's how you feel when you first set foot on Tongging Village, the village where Sipiso-Piso waterfall is located. By visiting Tongging Village, you'll enjoy the beautiful scenery as tourist area in the village of Tao Silalahi who was nearby. Before enjoying the waterfall up close, you'll be treated to scenic view of Tanah Karo from the existing substation at the top of a hill, stream base points Sipiso-Piso waterfall. From the surrounding hilltops Sipiso-Piso waterfall is all you can see the beauty of the landscape of Lake Toba, the largest volcanic lake in the world.

Then, to explore the natural beauty of nearby Sipiso-Piso, you need along the ridge through hundreds of small steps that have been provided for the down and approached the waterfall. Range of steps have been prepared that is a major road safety (

Arriving at the bottom, you can look toward the small hills in front of you. Your amazement will be the high hills will be accompanied by the roar of thousands of splash droplets that bounce from the point of falling water. Because of this waterfall has a height of 120 meters or about 360 feet before flowing into Lake Toba, so many people who have visited this place say how big splash of water falling on the grain-Piso Sipiso greater than Sigura-gura waterfall, a natural tourist area known in North Sumatra.
Sipiso-Piso waterfall located in Brand, Karo District, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Districts are located approximately 24 km from City Kabanjahe, the capital of the Karo Regency.

If you are in Medan, North Sumatra's provincial capital, then you have to travel about two hours by bus or car to Kabanjahe, the capital of the Karo Regency. Kabanjahe located in the southern highland region of the famous tourist attractions, namely Berastagi. Every 45 minutes bus routes depart from the terminal Kabanjahe downtown Medan. Bus fare depends on the type of bus you choose, certainly the most expensive economic bus. Arriving in Kabanjahe, you still must travel 24 km to the north, the route to Lake Toba. With the quality of paved roads, you can get to tour the Village Tongging Sipiso-Piso Waterfall in 30 minutes by car or bus.

Lodging would be important for the tourists. When traveling in Sipiso-Piso waterfall, and is willing to spend the night, then you can find lodging in the village of Kabanjahe Tongging or in the City, the capital of the Karo Regency. Also, if you want to find a memento or souvenir for the family at home, then go just a variety of souvenir vendors Tanah Karo in this tourist area.
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Lake Toba

Lake Toba is a volcanic lake at 100km x 30km in North Sumatra, Sumatra, Indonesia. In the center there is a volcanic island called Samosir Island.
Lake Toba has long been an important tourist destination in addition to Bukit Lawang, North Sumatra and Nias, attracting domestic and foreign tourists.
Lake Toba is estimated that when the explosion occurred around 73000-75000 years ago and is the eruption Supervolcano (super volcano), the most recent. Bill Rose and Craig Chesner from Michigan Technological University estimate that volcanic materials of the mountain spit out as much 2800km3, with 800km3 2000km3 rocks and volcanic ash overlies the west wind is expected for two weeks.

This incident caused mass death and also participated in several species extinction. According to some DNA evidence, this eruption also shrink the number of people until about thousands only.

After the eruption, the caldera formed which was then filled with water and became what is now known as Lake Toba. Pressure upward by magma that has not come out cause the appearance of Samosir Island.
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